by Mark Moore
If you were to take a pediatrician, a 123 wpm keyboard operator, a science fiction and fantasy author, a chicken plucker, a writing teacher, a computer programmer, a wolf trainer, a horse trader, a veterinary technician, and a farm girl, and put them all together into one person, you would normally be violating truth-in-packaging regulations.
Not true where Mickey Zucker Reichert is concerned. She fits all of the above assets and abilities into her 5-foot, 7-inch frame. A big city girl relocated to small-town Iowa (Nichols, south of Moosegroin, west of Off Ramp, up the hill from the Wapsinonoc Swamp), she also stars as a cartoon character in Hugo-winner Mike Gilbert's comic strip "Mikie Desikinolde." If that's not enough (is it ever?), she also puts in a full day as a mother and wife.
Now, ask yourself, "Self… what's the downside to this dynamite superwoman?" I, as her humble husband, will tell you: fear. She castrates tomcats (removes the "toms," you could say). She does it for ours, for strays, for the neighbors. For free. She likes it. Fear. Sure, Mickey slips the poor, dimwitted quadrapeds a mickey first. They feel no pain. But they wake up docile, agreeable, loving tender cooperative: all the characteristics that women look for in a mate but complain they can't ever find. When I start down the slippery slope of marital disagreement, you can bet I'm aware that I could wake up the next morning as a soprano. I always make sure we make up before I fall asleep.
That's it. Only one downside. Nothing else. Honest. Living with her is pure bliss. Right, honey? What's in your hand? No, stay back. What woman? No, I was looking at her badge. Trust me. Put down that scalpel. Yes, I'll not do it again. Bye. Have a good panel. Whew! That was close…
Mickey Zucker Reichert — Bibliography
Fantasy Novels:
The Bifrost Guardians (DAW Books, Inc.):
Also: Gli Dei Chiamano (Libro, Italian edition Godslayer)
The Renshai Trilogy (DAW Books, Inc.):
Also published under same titles by Orion in Great Britain (hadback and trade editions)
Science Fiction Novels:
Then Unknown Soldier (DAW Books, due June 1994)
A Time to Die (DAW Books, Inc.)
Short Stories:
The Ulfjarl's Stone (Dragon Magazine, January 1989)
Love at First Ride (Horse Fantastic, DAW Books, December 1991)
The Eranis Pipe (Halflings, Hobbits, Warrows, and Weefolk, Questar, December 1991)
The Champion of Dragons (Dragon Fantastic, DAW Books, May 1992)
The Gray God's Challenge (Gods of War, Baen, December 1992)
Shadow Storm (Larger Than Life, Ace, Summer 1994)
Homecoming (Women at War, Tor, publication date TBA)
Martin's Honor (Friends of Valdemar, DAW, publication date TBA)
Untitled (Dragonlance Dragons, TSR, publication date TBA)
This page created by: Kevin G. Austin