Other Guests

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mention instead that the '75 Clarion graduated has authored a dozen stories (published variously in Analog, F & SF, Aboriginal SF, Amazing, and Pulpsimth) and that he does some incredibly interesting hard-science work for Motorola (as those who attended his presentation last year on the "Iridium" project can attest). If you see him, ask him if he can even remember the story about the trampoline and the albino midget typists.

Lee Killough is the kind of person you like to see return to your convention, as you can't list all of her many and varied credits in just one mini-bio. Since her first novel, A Voice Out of Ramah, was published in 1979, Lee just keeps writing and writing. Her "Symphony for a Lost Traveler" was nominated for a Hugo, and she has been working on a comic book miniseries entitled Shifters: Blood Moon. Seek her out — talk to her; if you don't know what she looks like, just watch for that marvelous red red hair.

Pat Killough has been a sheriff's dispatcher, a radio announcer, a councilor for the mentally retarded, a pilot, a hypnotist, a photographer, and oh-so-much more. If we're lucky, ArtGoH David Cherry will have his portrait of Pat-as-Renaissance-man on display in the art show. In any case, Pat's contributions to fandom are legion. In addition to many small-press writings and collaborations, his Beginning Creator's Copyright Manual has gone into its fourth printing.

Erin McKee's work is a not-to-be missed experience. Her work sells like hotcakes (hotcanvases?) at conventions and Renaissance fairs alike. Despite her soft-spoken demeanor, she's friendly and approachable. A frequent guest-of-honor at Midwestern conventions, she'll soon be able to add DemiCon to her list of credits, as she'll be serving as DC IV's ArtGoH.

M. S. (Melinda) Murdock apparently does more than write — her many and varied credits include raising Toggenburg dairy goats. But we suggest you buy her books instead. In addition to her original fiction, she has authored several Star Trek and Buck Rogers novels. One such work, Web of the Romulans, is available both as a "low-tech" book and on "high-tech" audio cassette.

Mickey Zucker Reichert faces a dilemma. The future DemiCon IV ProGoH confuses booksellers by making them wonder whether to file her with the "Z"s, "R"s, or "M"s (due to an impending marriage to a man named "Moore"). In any case, her books are worth searching out — in addition to the popular Bifrost Guardian series and several short stories, she has recently published a new novel entitled The Last of the Renshai.

Lucy Synk, DemiCon II's ArtGoH, rejoins us this year with her unique and charming assortment of work. We of the DemiCon staff, however, remain as impressed with her gentle and charming personality as we are with her numerous awards and publication credits. You let her know how well-loved she is during last year's art auction; let's all try and send her home a rich lady again this year.

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This page created by: Kevin G. Austin