David Lee Anderson marks the continuation of an apparent trend of Oklahoma artists who like to travel to Des Moines conventions. Currently serving as the president of ASFA, David remarks "[I] have been working in the field for 11 years. And you may ask, what am I doing in a field, when a studio is more traditional? That's how we artists are.
Karen Boomgarden is one of the folks at TSR who works hard to bring you all those quality gaming products. Her editorial work at the aforementioned organization includes such projects as The Forgotten Realms™ and the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set. According to the bio she sent us, her interests are Japanese animation, Japanese food, Japanese language, Japanese culture, Japanese pop music, and Japanese films. We think we detect a pattern here.
Glen Cook supplements his income as a GM employee and convention huxter by writing incredibly good SF books. His Black Company series is only the tip of the output iceberg for Glen. His latest work, Red Iron Nights, continues his popular Garrett series. Look for him in the DemiCon dealer's room — where you can buy his books and get them autographed all in one convenient stop.
Robert C. Cornett, the 1985 co-winner of the "Tucker Award for Excellence in Partying," has always subscribed to the theory that he'd rather have "a free bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy." Author of The Scorpion Squad series, and co-author of many more books with author Kevin Randle, we hope Bob will be able to get away from his duties as a paramedic to actually make the opening ceremonies this year.
Robert "J. R." Daniels comes ready to enchant and dazzle art lovers with his "Art-in-About-an-Hour" presentation and his skill at "Win, Lose, or Draw." The talented DemiCon I ArtGoH keeps returning to Des Moines, dragging other Oklahoma artists up with him (see bio for David Lee Anderson above), and apparently unaware of the fact that we keep putting him to work the minute he steps in the door.
Newton H. "Newt" Ewell tells us that he used to work for the "Infernal Revenue Service," but escaped the Feds in late 1990 to become self-employed as a freelance artist, editor, and designer. There's no question he's been busy since then. In addition to his numerous editing credits, his art has been published in such gaming industry releases as Realmspace, Gamma World, Rifts, and The Sun Dagger. He joins us at DemiCon this year for the first time.
Wendol Jarvis joined the Iowa Development Commision in 1984, and has been manager of the Iowa Film Office since its inception in 1985. Under Wendol's leadership, movie-makers have been attracted to Iowa to film such memorable productions as Field of Dreams and Starman. Don't miss his presentation Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.
William A. "Billjohn" Johnson's height makes him particularly attractive to tall female writers of program book bios. However, professionalism demands we
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This page created by: Kevin G. Austin