Have you ever wondered why a lot of science fiction fans are practically insane? It's because they sometimes have to run conventions all by themselves. Since we know that this is not practical, we are asking stalwart souls such as yourself to do your part for mental health — be a DemiCon volunteer
Seriously, though, a number of you have asked how you can help out at this year's convention. And we know that the rest of you are secretly wondering just how to get more involved behind-the-scenes. We have located the DemiCon II volunteer desk/gopher hole next to the registration and information desks in the lobby. Go to this desk… approach the friendly person on duty… ask about when and where more bodies are needed… sign up on the time sheets and you're on your way to fannish sainthood.
Volunteers are needed for the art show, consuite, registration desk, and general gophering. Put in a mere hour of time helping out in one of these areas, and you qualify for a giftie-goodie from the gopher grab-bag. Also, the name of one lucky volunteer will be drawn at random, and he or she will receive his or her choice of any DemiCon/DMSFS souvenir item (t-shirt, videotape, puzzle book set, etc.).
So don't wait! It's easy… it's fun… and you'll feel real swell afterwards. Besides, if you don't help out, we may end up short-handed, and we hate to see Dave Countryman cry.
[this page also contained a cartoon by "Teddy Harvia"]This page created by: Kevin G. Austin