by Leslie Roth
Rusty Hevelin is the Fan's fan. A member of First Fandom, he comes from the days when Science Fiction was something you only read. That love of books has stayed with him. At many a convention, you'll see him selling new and used books, along with pulps and other magazines of days gone by. At DemiCon, we keep him too busy to huxter, but you'll still see him wandering the dealers' room. Feeling that most Science Fiction conventions did not pay enough attention to the stories of yesterday, he started PulpCon.
But don't let his white hair and beard fool you. He is not some ghost of Fandom's long lost past. He is in tune with fandom today, and has proven an excellent resource for conventions across the country. He is an excellent auctioneer, and will again be assisting DemiCon with the art and benefit auctions. Rusty loves to see new people come to fandom. His First Con panels are well attended at a variety of conventions. And he is never too tired to talk to fans trying to enjoy their first convention, or even to run their first convention.
Rusty is an excellent toastmaster. He always seems to know just how long to speak, keeping the audience interested, and amused. He is as comfortable in front of four people as four hundred.
DemiCon is once again honored to have Rusty Hevelin as their toastmaster. Come to the opening ceremonies and the guest of honor speeches, and hear a few words of wisdom from the old master.
[this page also contained an illustration by Kaja Murphy]
This page created by: Kevin G. Austin