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authored several short stories, and remains one of the most unusual beings to come out of Joe Haldeman's famous U of I science fiction class alive. He currently does a lot of "gosh-wow" science tech stuff for Motorola — the type of stuff that used to be the domain of science fiction. His sense of humor is genuinely perverse. Joe once portrayed him in a Star Trek novel as a tall skinny alien who metabolized alcohol — ask him about the Tarls.

Vincent C. L. Jö-Nés boasts one of the most unique art styles you're likely to find anywhere. His works of "Imagineering" turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. He has been honored with numerous awards for his work, and many notable figures in the SF community have invited his pieces into their collections. Don't miss his interactive 3-D display at this year's DemiCon.

Lee Killough is, in the words of one Iowa fan, "quite a catch for a small convention." Author of eleven novels and numerous short stories, her latest work is entitled Dragon's Teeth. When she's not writing, she radiographs animals of every species as Chief Technician in the radiology department of Kansas State University's Veterinary Medical Center.

Pat Killough was once captured on canvas by David Cherry as a Renaissance man. It fits. Space constraints prevent us from giving you a complete listing of his talents, but we would be remiss not to make note of his many contributions to SF fandom. He has published several short stories and humorous pieces in small press magazines, co-authored a story with wife Lee which appeared in Asimov's Magazine, and shared his expertise on contracts and copyright law with other fans in articles and lectures and a book entitled The Beginning Creator's Copyright Manual.

David E. Martin is responsible for a lot of the artwork hanging in my living room. If you can't say the same, then you'd better correct that situation pronto. Humor is a favorite theme of Dave's, and the subtle influence of "Japanimation" is unmistakable in his work. He also does some game design on the side, and is the author of The Marvel Super Heroes Ultimate Powers Book.

Erin McKee's gentle artistic style has helped to make her one of the best-loved Midwestern artists in recent memory. A frequent Artist Guest-of-Honor at conventions (including last year's ICON XV), Erin's work captures the true fairy-tale feel of fantasy that is often lost in the cute-dragon and naked-nymph school of art that dominates many convention shows. Besides, she just so darn nice

M. S. (Melinda) Murdock truly defines the word "class." At least she probably would if you asked her. Seriously, though, Melinda is every inch a lady, and a heckuva writer to boot. Be sure to check out her many Star Trek or Buck Rogers novels, or some of her original non-media fiction such as Vendetta or Dynteryx.

Paula Helm Murray joins us from Kansas City (a veritable hotbed of writing talent, it seems). Her work to
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This page created by: Kevin G. Austin