
Keepers of the Sanity(ConCom) Diane Dunlap
Les Roth
Susan Steward
Art Show Jeannette Roth and an
assistant as of yet
Attractive Signage Rick Lancaster
ConSuite Diane Dunlap
Al Hohrman
Dealer's Room Paul Clites
Filk Room Any Volunteer
Game Rooms Adventurers of
Central Iowa
Tammy Jones
Guest Liaison Susan Stewart
Keeper of the Checkbook     Diane Dunlap
Live Action Role Play Adam Blyth
Masquerade Martin McClure
Nancy McClure
Program Book Adam Blyth
Susan Stewart
Programming Susan Stewart
Publications ditto
Publicity ditto
Registration Les Roth
Keeper of the Keys
and the Peace
Les Roth
Ken Breeze
TICC™ West Director Les Roth
Volunteer Services David Countryman
Signs "R" Us Rick Lancaster


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The following artists have contributed their talent to
this program: Mike Aspengren, Sarah Macht and
Amy Monthei. Cover art, "Europa's Face" by David
Lee Anderson (who else?)