[This page also contained an ad for Costume Con X]
problems or complaints concerning the convention or the hotel (other than problems about your personal room), please contact a DemiCon staff member first. We know who to go to to get results; there's no sense in arguing with a hotel employee who doesn't have the authority to do anything.
Rule #10: The Final Rule. Within the limits of these rules, just get out there and have a heckuva good time!
Continued from page nine 9
Scoring this exam:
All kind, and true answers score one point with the test, and many with Rusty.
All nasty, brutish and short responses will be treated in kind (two out of three for Billjohn).
That DemiCon has Rusty back every year to give testimony to their other guests is a good example of continuity. That is because I get to continue seeing him on another weekend every year, and that is good.
Introduce yourself to one of the mainstays of Fandom. If you're not too careful, you will both be informed and entertained.
Continued from page 13
bidder. Bid winners may pick up their art after the auction on Saturday, or on Sunday.
Quick Sale: If a "quick sale" price has been entered by the artist on a bid sheet, you may purchase the piece immediately for that amount, provided that no other convention member has bid on the piece. If any bids have been entered, you may only purchase the piece by out-bidding the other bidders. Otherwise, you may contact one of the staff at the art show desk regarding immediate purchase. IMPORTANT: Please note that items purchased by quick sale will NOT be allowed to leave the art show until it closes at 6 p.m. Saturday. Other people get very upset when art is removed from display before they get a chance to view it.
Print Shop: The print shop will be run on a cash-and-carry basis: you see it, you like it, you buy it, you got it.
Questions? Talk to the art show member on duty, or ask to speak to Jeannette "I-don't-really-know-art-but-I-know-what-I-like" Roth (the DemiCon III art show chairlady).
This page created by: Kevin G. Austin