Schedule At-a-Glance
TimeBallroom AIowa RoomOther
Fri.2pmDealers', Art, Game Rooms open
3pmReading: Gregory D. FrostOpen discussion groups
4pm"The Evolution of a Work of Art"
6pmArt, Dealers' rooms close
7pmOpening ceremonies; TICC performance
8pmReading: Joe Haldeman
9pm Reading: Rob ChilsonPrivate art show tour; Consuite opens
10pm"It Came from the Goldfish Bowl!"Intergalactic Massage WorkshopHall Costume Contest ('til approx. midnite)
11pm"Cliff (Simak's) Notes"
12amGame room closes
Sat.10am"How to Enjoy Your First Convention"Art panel: "Visions of Genius"Art, Dealers', Game rooms open
11am"Whither the SF War Story?""Costume Ideas -- Silly and Serious"Maze Wars Tournament (continuous 'til finished)
12pmLucy Synk Slide Show Retrospective"The Business of Writing"
1pm"Thomas Covenant vs. Field of Dreams"Reading: M. S. MurdockDemonstration: "Art in about an Hour"
2pmPresentation: The Iridium ProjectReading: Mickey Zucker Reichert
3pmWorldCon Retrospective/Preview"Mysticism and Beneath"Human Canvases
4pmGuest-of-Honor Speeches
5pmReading: David Cook
6pmArt, Dealers' rooms close
7pmArt Auction
8pmReading: Robert C. Cornett
11pm"A Trans-Iowa Canal Co.™ Retrospective"
12amGame room closes
Sun.10amArt, Dealers', Game rooms open
11am"Support Your Local Space Program"Writer's Workshop
12pm!tang Apology Contest
1pmWin, Lose, or Draw
2pmMaster-Class CostumingArt, Dealers', Game rooms close

Note: This schedule is current as of 15 April 1991. Program event times, locations, and participants subject to change. Last-minute changes known prior to the start of the convention will be announced at the Opening Ceremonies (7 p.m. Friday, Ballroom A). Scheduling changes made while the convention is in progress will be posted by the Registration desk (Lobby).

Program Event Descriptions


Art Show, Dealers' Room, Game Rooms open.
Reading: Gregrory D. Frost, Ballroom A.
Open Discussion Groups, Iowa Room. A good way to warm up for the weekend. Moderator Marshall Thayer leads a series of informal discussions.
Slide Show: "The Evolution of a Work of Art," Ballroom A. Artist Erin McKee tells the life story of a works of art -- from initial conception to paint drying on canvas.
Art Show, Dealers' Room close.
*Opening Ceremonies, Ballroom A. Start the weekend off right by learning about what's going on, and laughing along with the Trans-Iowa Canal Co.™
*Reading: Joe Haldeman, Ballroom A.
Reading: Rob Chilson, Iowa Room. Rob reads from City of the Sun, a work-in-progress.
"Developing an Eye for Art," Conference Room. Artists Lucy Synk, J. R. Daniels, Darlene P. Coltrain, and Erin McKee lead a tour through the DemiCon II art show, discussing art styles, media, and critiquing works.
Consuite opens, 5th floor (open continuously throughout convention).
"It Came from the Goldfish Bowl!," Ballroom A. Back by popular demand. You pick the topics, you be the panel. Subjects for discussion drawn from our DMSFS fishbowl from ideas submitted by the audience. Moderated by Marshall Thayer and ??.
Intergalactic Massage Workshop (or "How NOT to Rub the Alien the Wrong Way"). Fan and physical therapist Myrna Logan demonstrates some rather...ahem... unusual massage techniques for Terrans and non-Terrans.
Hall Costume Contest, various locations. Our "mystery judges" will be on the prowl, looking for the best of the casual con costumes.
"Cliff (Simak's) Notes," Ballroom A. Rob Chilson, Greg Frost, and other guests help you to catch up on all the classic SF you never got around to reading. A series of (too) short synopsis intended to educate and enlighten as well as any copy of Cliff's Notes could.
Game Rooms close.


*"How to Enjoy Your First Convention," Ballroom A. Gay Haldeman and Rusty Hevelin explain the terms, traditions, and turmoil that characterize the SF con.
"Visions of Genius," Iowa Room. Lucy Synk, J. R. Daniels, David E. Martin, Erin McKee. An examination of the origins of creativity; where do F/SF artists get all those funky ideas, anyway?
Art Show, Dealers' Room, Game Room open (Board room only; Dallas Room closed for Maze Wars tourney set-up).
"Whither the SF War Story in a Thawed World?," Ballroom A. Joe Haldeman, M. S. Murdock, Robert Cornett. What effect will the changing global political situation have on the SF war story? Is the future filled with co-operative U.S./Soviet space efforts or mad Arabs in space?
"Costuming Ideas -- Silly and Serious," Iowa Room. Rex Bryant, Connie Gilbert, Marshall Thayer. Looking for ways to generate original cosutme ideas? Listen to the warped suggestions of our veteran costume designers.
Maze Wars Tounament, Game Room (Dallas). Match your strategic skills in a networked computer game. See program book page 22 for further details.
*Lucy Synk Slide Show Retrospective, Ballroom A. Artist GoH Lucy Synk shares her illustrious career with us in narrative and pictures. A treat for the eyes and ears!
"The Business of Writing," Iowa Room. Gay haldeman, Rob Chilson, Pat Killough, Bill Johnson. If you want to write for a living, let these experienced people help you minimize the yuckiness of finances, taxes, and legalities.
"Thomas Covenant vs. Field of Dreams," Ballroom A. Dave Cook, Lee Killough, Paula Helm Murray, Mickey Zucker Reichert. What constitutes real, fannish fantasy? Would you read a fnatasy if it didn't have swords, dragons, and sorcery? Are stories like Field of Dreams fantasies for wimps? Moderated by Rob Chilson.
Reading: M. S. Murdock, Iowa Room.
*"Art in About an Hour," Art Show (Conference Room). J. R. Daniels once again displays his artistic prowess with blinding speed. Don't blink, or you'll miss it!
Presentation: Motorola's Iridium Project, Ballroom A. Bill Johnson discusses Motorola's plan to revolutionize world-wide communications through a series of LEO satellites.
Reading: Mickey Zucker Reichert, Iowa Room.
WorldCon '90/'91 Retrospective/Preview, Ballroom A. WorldCon 48 ProGoH Joe Haldeman and friends Gay Haldeman, Rusty Hevelin, and Les Roth discuss their experiences at a truly international WorldCon in the Hague, and look ahead to WorldCon 49 in Chicago.
"Mysticism and Beneath," Iowa Room, Eve Cheshier, Gregory D. Frost, Jack Nelson. Wicca, Christianity, Zen -- are they rally different sides of the same philosophical coin? Are there multiple roads to truth? Scholars and practitioners discuss their views.
Human Canvases, Lobby. Artitst David E. Martin turns willing volunteers into living, breathing works of art through face and body painting.
*Guest of Honor Speeches, Ballroom A. Toastmaster Rusty Hevelin introduces guests Joe Haldeman, Gay Haldeman, and (maybe) Lucy Synk. Astute soliliquies to follow.
Reading: David Cook, Iowa Room. Dave reads from a soon-to-be-published work entitled Beyond the Moons.
Art Show, Dealers' Room close.
Art Auction, Ballroom A. Auctioneers Rusty Hevelin and Lucy Synk explain why you should jump the bid $40 on that cute little unicorn sculpture.
Reading: Robert C. Cornett, Iowa Room.
Masquerade, Ballroom A. The finest in fannish costuming.
"A Trans-Iowa Canal Co.™ Retrospective," Ballroom A. Les Roth, Nigel Ray, Linnea Caldeen, Mitch Thompson. TICC veterans share some behind-the-scenes looniness, including the jokes you never heard! Moderated by Jeannette Roth.
Game Room closes


Art Show, Dealers' Room, Game Rooms open.
*"Support Your Local Space Program!," Ballroom A. Stan Nevins, Michael Miller. Space advocates discuss how they got involved in supporting the U. S. space program, and how you can too!
Writer's Workshop, Iowa Room. Mickey Zucker Reichert directs this encounter session for aspiring writers; see page 19 in the program book for details.
!tang Apology contest, Ballroom A. Back by masochistic demand! See contest rules on page 23 of the program book.
Win, Lose, or Draw, Ballroom A. Another back-by-popular demand. Our artist guests help out inour fannish version of the T.B. game show. See page 23 in the program book for details.
Master-Class Costuming, Ballroom A. World-class costumers Pierre and Sandy Pettinger discuss the fine art of costuming, complete with slide show demonstration of the best of fannish garbs.
Art Show, Dealers' Room, Game Rooms close.
Close of convention.

* Items marked with a asterisk are highly recommended for first-time and novice convention-goers.

[ The main DemiCon II page in the DemiCon Info Archive. ]

This page created by: Kevin G. Austin